Should not: Usually cleft lip and palate are surgically repaired successfully. However even if present it should not affect kissing.
Answered 9/1/2020
Treated vs Untreated: Untreated cleft lips will have a gap between the central & side portions of the lip. A treated cleft lip will have a scar in that same area & they vary in softness/hardness due to differences in scar formation. An untreated cleft palate will have a hole in the roof of the mouth, which may or may not be closed off by a special type of denture called an obturator. A surgically treated one is closed.
Answered 12/7/2012
Psychologically: It is more psychological rather than physical. Cleft lips, with or without cleft palate, affected speech. It is generally accepted that the later the palate is close, the worse the speech (sell 1992).
Answered 1/31/2019
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