Medical Team: Cleft lip and palate repair requires a medical team made up of several specailists. The end goal is to surgically repair the defect in a way that maintains functionality of lips, palate, and associated structures, as well as to create an esthetic looking result. Repair may includes surgery and may require appliance wear as well as other therapies along the way.
Answered 12/29/2016
It is Very well: Documented. You can google it and find all the information you need in detail, more than can be described in a brief synopsis here.
Answered 12/16/2012
Many types: Cleft lip and palate cover a wide spectra of genetic soft and hard tissue defects. The spectrum goes from simple unilateral lip clefting to bilateral soft and hard tissue clefts. Repairs are differentiated by timing of and severity of the defect(s). Severe palate clefting can make a newborn unable to nurse, and an obturator or "cover" may be needed to allow ingestion or proper nursing.
Answered 12/21/2012
Defect closure : The incomplete closure of the two sides of the palate or the lip that should occure during pregnancy results in a clift palate or lip. The surgery that is done to close those cliffs ( gap) and correct it called clift palate or lip repaire.
Answered 12/30/2012
See below: The lip, hard palate and soft palate form from different soft tissue structures during the fetal period. Sometimes these structures do not fuse properly before birth.. When this happens, the non-fused junctions are called 'clefts'. They can involve any of the structures (lip, hard palate and soft palate) or all three. They can be repaired surgically by trained personnel.
Answered 1/15/2013
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