Yes: Many individuals that have had the surgeries to repair the clefts have gotten braces. However, the situation is different and is made more complex due to the cleft healing sights. Talk to an orthodontis or dentist to get more input and find your options. I think it is a good option.
Answered 1/17/2022
Yes: Most patients with cleft lip and palate need orthodontic treatment.
Answered 1/17/2022
Yes: Often needed to correct bite and the way teeth look.
Answered 1/17/2022
Most definitely: Cleft lip and palate patients are managed by a team in most circumstances, and a very integral part of that team would be an orthodontist. Almost all patients benefit significantly from orthodontic intervention. Dento-facial orthopedics (part of an orthodontists job description) is a mainstay of timed procedural intervention.
Answered 5/3/2013
Absolutely: Part of any cleft palate team is an orthodontist who will reposition teeth and jaws in conjunction with the surgical repair that is required. Excellent cleft palate teams at the children's hospitals in the ny area near you. Call them for recommendations.
Answered 5/9/2013
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