A member asked:

I have pain in my groin in both sides in hips a clicking sound when i lift my legs i have been for an x-ray and had mri with dye injected in to rule owt avascular necrosis they told me mri showed no signs of disease but i am still not happy i have read th

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Thomas Namey answered

Specializes in Rheumatology

Be happy!: At least a serious problem such as avn or significant osteoarthritis exists. Your pain may be coming from trochanteric bursitis or your tensa fascia latus. See someone in orthopedics, physical medicine or rheumatology!

Answered 5/26/2018


Dr. Christopher Dougherty answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Hip click: Clicking in the hip can be due to a cartilage year in the hip or a tendon outside the hip directly in front or along the side. Stretching the psoas and it band is usually a food idea to start with.

Answered 3/18/2016



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