Type of spine curve: There are multiple reasons for scoliosis &one is known as a congenital type which is when there is a deformity of the bones ( vertebra) of the spine that one is born with & leads to an early curvature of the spine. Some don't need surgery & others do. They tend to not respond to bracing & can be very progressive in terms of a rapidly worsening curve & may be associated with other medical issues.
Answered 8/2/2020
Spinal disorder: Congenital scoliosis generally speaking is the failure of one or more levels of thr spine to segment properly (form multiple vertebrae) or failure of the vertebrae to form at all (ie part of a vertebrae doesn't form. The aberrant growth that occurs results in a lateral curvature of the spine.
Answered 11/19/2018
Congen defects spine: Congenital scoliosis occurs when one or more vertebrae develop abnormally with over or under development. Fusion of whole or parts of vertebrae cause scoliosis as well. Thus asymmetric growth and scoliosis other systems of body can have congenital abnormalities as well at same time, including heart, kidneys, bowel, long bones, and ear development resulting in various syndromes.
Answered 7/12/2018
Need to see back doc: You need to see an orthopaedic spine specialist. Usually, when needing treatment, this are corrected early as they are typically very progressive. If you have made it to adulthood with this disgnosis, you may have one of the types that does not need treatment. You should be checked for cardiac or renal problems as there is a strong association with this type of scoliosis.
Answered 4/22/2015
Orthopedic follow up: Congenital scoliosis should be followed closely by an orthopedic doc that treats scoliosis. The issue is usually that one side of the spine grows faster than the other due to failure of one or more segments to separate or form. It progresses over time as the child grows.
Answered 1/21/2019
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