A member asked:

My baby have a lot of earwax, how can i safely take it out?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Steven Hill answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Why?: Earwax is normal and only a problem if blocking the canal and diminishing hearing. I recommend using a warm washcloth and washing the outer ear as the wax comes out. If you are concerned ask your doctor at the next baby visit.

Answered 7/29/2012



Let your baby doctor: Take care of it.Generally, our ears take care of themselves like a self cleaning oven, but some people build up wax and their ear canals become blocked.Earwax helps protect the skin of the ear canal, which is relatively thin & delicate.The wax keeps it moisturized & suppresses growth of bacteria & molds which could cause very painful infections. Q-tips, paper clips etc can be dangerous.

Answered 7/29/2012



Scoop it /fingernail: What you can see & scoop out with you little fingernail is as far as you should try. The wax is made in the outer half of the canal & will fall out if left alone. Puffy "safety"q-tips are not, they push it in too far & hamper removal in the office if i need to remove it with plastic scoops.

Answered 7/29/2012



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