A member asked:

How does pernicious anemia cause people to have achlorhydria?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Common cause: Both pernicious anemia (inability to absorb vitamin b12) and achlorhydria (inability of the stomach to make acid) result from the same underlying problem -- autoimmune destruction of the inner mucosal lining of the stomach ("autoimmune atrohpic gastritis").

Answered 8/23/2012


Dr. Agos Luca answered

The other way around: Achlorhydria (lack of adequate gastric acid production and secretion) is one of the causes of pernicious anemia and not the other way around. Normal gastric acid is essential for adequate absorption of vitamin b-12. Vitamin b-12 deficiency in turn causes pernicious anemia.

Answered 3/20/2017



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