Depends: Age is a factor in a situation such as this. A dermoid is a benign (usually) tumor of the ovary. A simple cyst of 2cm in a reproductive age woman may represent a normal ovarian follicle (egg). This would enlarge the ovary somewhat but follow up ultrasound after next menses should help delineate. Dermoid cysts usually do not go away, follicular cysts do in most cases.
Answered 7/3/2012
Depends on age: Most dermoids are benign tumors, but rarely they can be part of malignant tumor. If these cysts change in size based on menstrual cycle, they are not as worrisome. However, you should monitor them closely (as it seems you are). If you are between 15-40, functional cysts are more common.
Answered 6/28/2013
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