A member asked:

I see a dark spot in the middle of my field of vision plus a bunch of new floaters?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Need an exam: This can be a sign of bleeding, tearing or detachment of the retina. You need a dilated eye examination, which should be performed asap!

Answered 7/3/2012



Floaters: It sounds as if you have had a posterior vitreous detachment. This is a situation where the vitreous(jelly) of the eye detaches (not a retinal detachment), it then "crumples" up leaving dots, spots, strands of blurry vitreous; i.e. The "floater". You should have an exam to ensure the incident did not tear the retina, which could lead to a retinal detachment. Wait one year then consider surgery.

Answered 7/7/2012



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