A member asked:

Chronic pain 5yrs, only thing that gives me 1 pain free day is diazepam the day after, what other non addictive med would likely work based on that. ?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

What OTHER: ...nonaddictive med? Are you implying that diazepam is not a habit forming drug...because actually it is regarded as being high risk for dependency issues. Unfortunately, the answer to your question is that there is no right answer. Each individual responds to analgesics differently. It's a matter of working with your doctors to discover what works best for you...addictive or not..good luck.

Answered 5/24/2016


Dr. Eric Weisman answered

Specializes in Neurology

Valium: as an antispasmotic is very useful for management of focal and regional dystonia due to basal ganglia stroke or encephalitis. Sometimes it helps with painful muscle spasms due to lower motor neuron disease. There are about 6 other meds that can be used depending on the cause. Norflex, (orphenadrine) Robaxin and Skellaxin are less likely to cause dependence. Flexeril can be used short term. Baclofen is another

Answered 9/28/2016



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