A member asked:

I felt and injured my foot on sunday. it is still very blue and swollen. it looks like i broke some small bone. i do not have an insurance.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Rhonda Simons answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

If the bone is a toe: Tape it to the toe next to it. If you think it is another bone in your foot, you should also could talk to a podiatrist who would likely have X-ray at their office, and might take payments or post dated checks. Most will charge less for cash pay if paid all at once. Good luck! Don't wait TOO long, because if it IS broken, you could do some permanent damage.

Answered 8/7/2014



Rest, Ice, Elevation: Rest, ice and elevation. If you can't put weight on your foot, I suggest getting a CAM walker, which a fracture boot.

Answered 9/28/2016



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