A member asked:

I was getting into a kayak + leaned on my thumb it made a crunch noise + is very sore + swollen since (8 hrs ago) would it be a sprain or a break?

5 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Depends: difficult to say. An X-ray would help to distinguish the difference.

Answered 9/28/2016



Either: Please get an Xray to be sure in the next day. Fractures and some sprains should produce bleed/bruising that may need a splint to protect the joint from further injury. It is safe to ice and elevate for a day, if the hand is warm and there is no numbness.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Nayana Trivedi answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Probably broken: From the description of the event, noise and swelling with severe pain all points to Fracture. Usually easy to treat . so please get it checked now and Immobilize the thumb using Small wooden stick along the thumb and tapping with the finger so does not bend at joints. Apply Ice and take Ibuprofen until seen by the doctor.

Answered 9/28/2016



Hard to tell: It is hard to tell you this without examining the thumb or getting an xray. If you have difficulty moving the thumb or if there is extreme pain and swelling I would definitely get an xray to determine if there is a fracture (break). If there is normal movement of the thumb you can ice it and elevate it to relieve the swelling. However if at any point it is very painful I would seek medical care.

Answered 7/27/2014



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