A member asked:

Wisdom teeth extraction done over two weeks ago. have a stitch on my lower left cheek on inside but it hasnt dissolved it's been 17 days and a hard painful lump has formed over it covering most of it?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Meng Syn answered

See the surgeon: You should have an appointment to see the dentist\surgeon that extracted the tooth. If the suture is non resorbable, it needs to be removed. If the lump is painful, you may have some inflammation or infections at the extraction site in which case you need to be seen. It is also possible that the area is still tender but healing normally. Best to go back to the dentist to have him check

Answered 3/31/2015


Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Aftercare: It's your responsibility to see the dentist who removed your wisdom teeth and the responsibility of that dentist for your aftercare. Call and make an appointment to have it looked at right away. The suture may need more time to remove or if not absorbable be removed. The lump may be normal or inflamed or infected. In any case, your own dentist needs to evaluate all this.

Answered 7/18/2014



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