TMJ treatment: It is actually very common to have a popping sound as the area surrounding the tempromandibular joint. It contains a network of ligaments all moving (ideally) in harmony. If the ligaments are stressed, most commonly through bruxism or grinding usually at nighttime when we are asleep. The most conservative approach is to have a night guard or professionally made applaince to relieve this stress.
Answered 9/29/2016
Yes: Please see your Dentist. You need help. Consultations with Orthodontist and/or Oral Surgeon may be in order. If your occlusion is at fault, or your jaws don't match, you will need Rx to eliminate the cause. Unfortunately this should have been treated in "08 when first noticed.
Answered 9/29/2016
Yes: Yes, this is a TMJ disorder. And it can get worse to where you can't open wide. Called a closed lock. See an oral surgeon to help treat the problem.
Answered 3/17/2015
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