TMJ issues: the sand sound is like a gravel that is crepitis. If the jaw was injured (or slept on funny) the muscles could be in spasm and that would limit the opening. Inflammation adds fluid to the area behind the joint and can impact on range of motion
Answered 7/14/2014
Yes: This does sound like TMJ. A good dentist can help guide you to relief. Best wishes..
Answered 7/14/2014
Displaced disc: If your limited opening, which is also called trismus, persists, you may have a displaced disc in the TMJ. Crepitus is a clinical sign consistent with arthritis. A TMJ MRI would reveal the problem. You should see a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon for proper evaluation and treatment. Get well soon!
Answered 2/5/2015
TMJ-TMD: TMJ disorder is the second most frequent cause of orofacial pain after dental pain. The common symptom are: jaw pain, earache and headache. Proper diagnosis and cancer screening is the key for the successful treatment. This disorder will not resolve on its own with home care. See an orofacial pain specialist for evaluation and treatment. Check site for OFP near you:
Answered 9/22/2014
Yes.: Yes, sure sounds like a TMJ problem. See a TMJ expert to help evaluate and treat your problem. A TMJ expert can be general dentist, an oral surgeon, prosthodontist, orofacial pain specialist. Ask your physician, dentist or dental society for a recommendation.
Answered 3/19/2015
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