A member asked:

Tongue sore like i bit it but didn't. ear hurts a little too. been to ent. seen nothing. pcp says tmj. could this be cancer? no swollen nodes or sores

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Anything possible: But you have already been extensively evaluated without discovery of anything suspicious, and a proposed diagnosis has been made. Cancer is highly improbable - but if you are a drinker, smoker, chew tobacco or have HPV infection you should be rechecked with regularity, perhaps yearly.

Answered 3/31/2015


Dr. Louis Gallia answered

Specializes in Surgery - Oral & Maxillofacial

TMJ?: TMJ? Could be. Sometimes the symptoms you describe are difficult to diagnose. Follow up on your PCP suspicions. See an oral surgeon. If he confirms TMJ likely, see a TMJ-orofacial pain specialist. Ask for referral from oral surgeon.

Answered 3/31/2015



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