A member asked:

Former heavy drinker. now drink 12 beers a week. ruq discomfort after 2-3 beers. ct, us, labs ok. only tiny liver cyst or hemangioma. if not liver - ?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

RUQ anatomy: Anatomically, the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of the abdomen includes: liver, gallbladder, pancreatic head, bile ducts and ampulla, c-loop of the duodenum, stomach antrum and pylorus, the hepatic flexure of the colon. Don't forget the diaphragm and lower chest are pretty close by. The abdominal musculature, ribs, and skin can all contribute as well to localizing RUQ pain. Time to stop drinking!

Answered 6/21/2014



Liver: Difficult to really say. Have you had the pancreas , kidneys and gallbladder evaluated. And to be honest I think you have been very fortunate thus far given your history of "heavy drinker" but do you really think that it is wise to continue to drink period given that you are now experiencing pain after alcohol consumption. Could be warning signs of a much larger problem.

Answered 11/22/2018



Beware: Lighter drinking at a later point in your life may only reflect liver disease, slower alcohol metabolism and the ability to maintain the same alcohol level with fewer drinks. Stop drinking.

Answered 7/27/2014



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