A member asked:

What symptoms can a deviated septum cause? could my deviated septum be the reason behind my allergies,breathing trouble,congestion and sleep apnea?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Genetics: So long as you haven't broken your nose the most likely cause is genes. i.e. you were born that way. This could be a part of the cause of the symptoms you have however with that list I would see an ENT doctor for a formal evaluation.

Answered 7/28/2014



Deviated septum mayb: Deviated nasal septum may be causing,breathing problem,congestion and sleep apnea , it all depends upon how much deviated septum you have and how much obstruction it is causing .Better you consult E.N.T.specialist and get it corrected .

Answered 11/27/2017



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