A member asked:

I was diagnosis wheezing in the lungs. it feels like wheezing is in my throat from post nasal drip. could the source of wheezing be mistaken by the doctor?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Khayriyyah Chandler answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

It may be both: Take your medications. Symptom control for your throat is obtainable with over the counter support

Answered 5/28/2014


Dr. Thomas Benda, jr answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Maybe: The throat does not wheeze, it does make another noise, stridor , that might be mistaken for a wheeze. It would be much louder listenting to the neck. There are people with Vocal Fold Dysfunction that is mistaken for wheezing and asthma. Usually it would affect your voice as well. The bigger problem is mistaking it for exercise induced asthma. I don't think this is likely, but it is possible.

Answered 5/28/2014



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