A member asked:

Can 3 hard pea sized lumps under the skin in abdomen just be lipomas? doctor wasn't worried, does it need to be biopsy?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Benign lesions: It is not uncommon to find pea size lumps under the skin of the abdominal wall. Many are small lipomas and as one ages they become more numerous and spread to sites under skin of arm and chest wall. On occasion small lymph nodes can also be found under the skin. If a lesion becomes painful or starts to enlarge then biopsy might be considered.

Answered 7/4/2018


Dr. Mark Pack answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Possibly: Lipomas can be any size from very small to very large. Without an exam I cannot answer if your lumps need biopsied. Lipomas are benign and do not have to be removed unless they get larger or cause pain...or you just want them out.

Answered 11/28/2017



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