A member asked:

I took too much ritalin (methylphenidate) this morning and now i v been feeling extreme sadness and anxiety all day.i can't take it. will my clonazapam help me?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It may.: Your Clonazepam may help for your anxiety, but i wouldn't use it on a routine basis when you take too much ritalin. You may want to discuss other tx options w/ your dr for adhd or depression. Non stimulants like wellbutrin (bupropion) ; strattera may help for adhd ; they are non habit-forming. Stimulants can increase anxiety. Caffeine may also help, but it can raise anxiety as well, so drink in moderation.

Answered 6/24/2014


Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Lamictal too?: I notice that you're also on Lamictal -- is this for bipolar disorder? If so, you really need to contact your physician (a psychiatrist?) asap. Your clonazapam may help your anxiety, but it won't help your mood issues. The other question is why you took "too much" ritalin (methylphenidate)? Ritalin (methylphenidate) can make you more anxious, and in some cases destabilize mood. All this adds up to: please call your doctor asap.

Answered 4/16/2016



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