Possibly help.: There is some evidence that vitamin d deficiency is not desirable in patients with colon cancer. The goal should be to achieve a level of 30 ng/ml. Another vitamin d test should be done after taking 50, 000 units twice a week for 2 months. If you are considerably overweight 2-3 times the dose may be necessary. After achieving 30 ng/ml a daily dose of 1-2000 units may maintain this level.
Answered 3/3/2016
Yes you should: You need to take some vit d supplement. Discuss with your oncologist about how much you should take. I usually tell my patient to take 50k once a week for 2 months or 5k a day -then recheck the level after 2 months or so. Good luck for your chemo and pls discuss with your oncologist further, .
Answered 3/21/2014
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