A member asked:

I am 55 with pmb. endometrial thickness on us was 9mm. endo biopsy was done showing atrophic endometrium. lining is supposed to be less than 4mm. what is the next step?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hysteroscopy: May be considered. The ultrasound findings can be caused by an endometrial polyp (which can bleed). The atrophic endometrium findings can be seen when biopsy did not include the polyp or area of thickening on the ultrasound.

Answered 10/1/2015



Your Gyn can help: Your doctor should be guiding you further. If you do not have any abnormal bleeding, then you do not need to rush into anything further as you have already done the biopsy of the endometrium. Serial ultrasounds at 6-12 month intervals can guide further action, if any needed.

Answered 2/3/2014



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