A member asked:

Typical to have a refraction before laser surgery on eye? cataract surgery 5-6 years ago. had refraction as part of routine eye exam 3 months ago.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Refraction : Is the part of an eye exam that determines what power of glasses you need to see better, remember that part where you are asked which lenses is best one or two. You can have a small refractive error/correction after cataract surgery and lasik.

Answered 12/27/2014



Yes.: Refraction can avoid unnecessary yag capsulotomy. Only when a refraction doesn't improve the vision assuming no other ocular pathology is yag laser capsulotomy indicated. It usually is the physician that doesn't first eliminate a refractive error as the cause of reduced visual acuity before performing yag capsulotomy is possibly doing unnecessary surgery.

Answered 1/19/2014



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