A member asked:

I've visited 2-3 psychologist.some say adhd.bipolar disorder, mood disorder, anxiety disorder, severe depression, m confused.plz help, told evry doc same?

10 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See university: Psychiatrist and get a full psychological testing profile with a definitive diagnosis and then your confusion regarding this matter should go away and treatment can be based on fact rather than conjecture.

Answered 1/19/2017


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Diagnosis can be: quite difficult at times. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. Depression is part of Bipolar Disorder (AKA manic depression). ADHD and bipolar disorder can have overlapping symptoms and may also co-occur. Anxiety can occur with any of these - either as a symptom or as a clinical disorder.

Answered 11/11/2016



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