Can, with an acute -: Acl tear, one might get bleeding into the knee joint, ; if associated tear of the collateral ligaments also occurs, then pain/swelling in the calf, which might gravitate tot he ankle area. Sciatic nerve, by itself does not cause this, unless a fall occurs, but that's unlikely to cause the acl tear. See an orthopod.
Answered 12/7/2013
ACL: Yes. The water is inflammation in the knee joint - from the torn acl. Thing like a bakers cyst behind the knee or a torn knee joint capsule could cause the fluid to leak out and affect the calf and cause swelling in the affected leg. Due to the instability in the knee, you would be compensating and using muscles differently so could aggravate the affected leg and put pressure on the sciatic nerve.
Answered 2/17/2015
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