You haven't described your symptoms. Are they around the kidneys or lower urinary tract? Was the U/S of the kidneys ,urinary bladder or pelvis.? If your symptoms are near the pelvis, have you had a rectopelvic examination by your gynecologist or have you consulted a urologist? If you've been having fevers & sweats, consult a specialist in infectious disease. Describe your symptoms for us.
Answered 9/8/2022
UTI is upper tract or lower urinary tract infection with different symptoms. If you mean frequency , burning and pain and urgency it can be caused by many non infection causes like interstitial cystitis, stone etc. Even neighboring areas like vagina and rectum. What you need is a good exam by a Urologist. In the meantime drink water and take Azo.
Answered 9/19/2022
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