A member asked:

If you have epididymitis from an std could the only symptom be a sore testicle from time to time? or would you have discharge etc. also under a lot of stress could anxiety and stress cause testicle pain here and there? i also have two ingenial hernia?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Epididymitis due to STD is an acute infection that responds to antibiotics -- never chronic with recurrent or on-and-off symptoms. And it usually does not cause only a sore or tender testicle; almost always the testicle is enlarged and hardened, with tenderness to touch. Testing always shows gonorrhea or chlamydia. It sounds unlikely you have epididymitis; or if you due, not caused by an STD.

Answered 9/7/2022



Symptoms from epididymitis vary from mild to severe. STD seldom leads to it if treated. Anxiety and stress can cause all kinds of symptoms. Your best bet is to wear a good support underwear, lessen your stress and if it persists see a Urologist. Inguinal hernias usually do not cause testicular pain.

Answered 9/8/2022



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