A member asked:

2nd pos high risk hpv pap in 6 months. sex active 64 yo. hysterectomy recommended - could not get cervical tissue for biopsy in august. other options?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Colposcopy: The typical evaluation of an abnormal pap smear is to first do an examination under a microscope called a Colposcopy. If any abnormalities are seen then a directed biopsy is done. If for some reason a biopsy could not be done then a loop excision procedure (LEEP) would typically be done if there was clinical concern before jumping to hysterectomy

Answered 2/28/2016


Dr. Charles Gordon answered

Specializes in Adolescent Medicine

Cervical Cancer??: They are looking for cervical cancer not for HPV positivity. If you have had PAP smears they also look for same. Cervical removal can be done by procedure called colposcopy. See if you can find someone who does that.

Answered 2/28/2016



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