Reinfection possible: Your initial infection (hopefully your first) was due to having unprotected sex. If your treatment was successful, then your latest unprotected sex would prevent your partner from getting infected from you, but you could still get something from them. The best strategy is for you to use a condom whenever you have sex until you have a committed partner you can trust.
Answered 7/31/2016
Probably OK: If treated as recommended (usually a shot of ceftriaxone plus either a single dose of azithromycin or 7 days of doxycycline); AND you took all drugs as recommended: AND if any and all symptoms have cleared up, you can assume you are cured and can resume sex. But not with previous partner(s) until they have been treated. Also, have a re-test in 3-4 months, because reinfection is common.
Answered 3/3/2016
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