A member asked:

What is the best way to recover and increase my muscle mass after so much deteriation? hgh, steroids, testosterone? i also have erectile dysfunction. all of this is due to being a brittle diabetic. i

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Complicated answer: Tricky question requires a complicated answer. You mentioned being a brittle diabetic but didn't mention how well controlled you are. Presumably, you're t1dm requiring Insulin (and not taking any other dm meds) which then suggests obesity wasn't the main cause. 1st thought is to get dm under control. Next is that hgh & t are only useful if you're deficient. Your doc can run tests to support meds.

Answered 6/25/2014


Dr. Gurney Pearsall answered

Specializes in Anti-Aging Medicine

Hormone Deficiency: In consideration of your symptoms and medical condition, it appears the question posed exceeds the scope of this forum. You should see an endocrinologist and determine if you are testosterone and/or hgh deficient. You can expect an exhaustive history & physical exam. This will be followed by a few screening blood tests. If abnormal, the confirmatory blood tests will be ordered.

Answered 9/14/2014



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