Tissue edema of rest: In "bottle" hydrocele repair the sac is turned inside out and sutured behind testis. This can become swollen and hard and take a while to soften up. Same with coiled remaining sac in the "lord repair. Sometimes hydrocele can recur. Be patient, most cases slowly resolve with time, which can vary greatly.
Answered 12/24/2019
Very common: It can take several months for the testicle and its surrounding tissues to soften up after hydrocele repair. There are a number of reasons including edema (swelling) in the surgical area, thickness of the tunica vaginalis that was partially removed; some reabsorbing blood, size of the hydrocele, was the spermatic cord involved, etc. Give it time.
Answered 2/9/2020
Depends: Wounds evolve after any surgery. Tissue remodeling and changes can take over one year. Most occur within the first 3-6 months. If has been more than 6 months since surgery or if the hard testis is new, get to an md now.
Answered 6/12/2018
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