A member asked:

Cbc showed i'm anemic. had a red blood cell morphology done which showed platelets- adequate, microcytes 1+, polychromasia 1+. what does that mean?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Feras Abdul khalek answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Hematology & Oncology

Part of anemia: Polychromasia means lots of immature red blood cells in the blood stream . When red blood cells don't have enough nutrients they can be smaller (microcyte) or bigger (macrocyte) than usual. Microcytes + anemia is usually due to iron deficiency. Polychromasia means lots of immature red blood cells are in the blood. It's a a normal response to anemia due to the bone marrow revving up production.

Answered 10/20/2016



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