A member asked:

After a early positive pregnancy test with blood work and hcg level of 40, progesterone at 6.5 would you prescribe progesterone to boost the level?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: Your Progesterone is low because you are very early in your pregnancy, unless you have had repetitive pregnancy losses.

Answered 8/18/2016


Dr. Carline Louis-Jacques answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Progesterone support: I would offer supplement with progesterone while investigating if the pregnancy is normal. A level under 10 at the initial testing is not reassuring and may indicate at worse an ectopic pregnancy . I would follow the HCG every 2 days. Adding progesterone will only be helpful if the pregnancy is viable and won't affect it if it is an ectopic.

Answered 6/23/2016



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