Slow taper: Begin to taper off of the Xanax (alprazolam) very very slowly and at the same time create something in your life that might support you and protect you from anxiety. For example exercise is a great medicine for anxiety and can be very helpful when going through a taper. Also a well balanced diet, nutritional supplements, good sleep and relaxation exercises are helpful. You need a doctors help to taper off.
Answered 5/7/2016
Mutual support helps: Consider attending a meeting of alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous or pills anonymous. You are not alone.
Answered 7/29/2013
Change meds: If you have been unable to control your use of xanax, (alprazolam) you may be unable to taper. Mant docs will substitute a long acting sedative like Librium or Phenobarbital and wean with that. The wean may need to go slowly if you have been using for years.
Answered 6/30/2014
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