A member asked:

Leg pain had a mri on my back nothing is wrong. what else can cause leg pain?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Matthew Wilkin answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Many possibilities: Leg pain has many causes. Could be varicose veins. Or a blood clot (dvt). Muscle strain. Nerve pain like sciatica. Bone pain or arthritis. Need to see your doctor and get more testing.

Answered 10/28/2016


Dr. Robert Kent answered

Specializes in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

Need more history: Unsure with just history of leg pain. I am glad nerve injury from back was ruled out, but there could be any number of issues that causes leg pain, from a lumbar plexus injury to vascular pathology to muscle or bone issues. You will need a physical exam and possible further workup. Ask your doc about your si joint as referred pain from si pain can also cause almost full leg pain.

Answered 9/15/2013



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