Too much fruit/bread: Though vegetarians tend to have better weights and are not as likely to be overweight, too much of anything is bad, including fruit and bread. Now that the type of food you are eating is good, i would look also at the quantity of food you are eating. This is often done with a food long / calorie count. If it doesn't seem like you should be gaining, see a pcp for eval. Maybe thyroid, cortisol is th.
Answered 9/11/2013
How much you eat: I am glad you plan to loose weight , if you are obese now remain obsess rest of life , loose now , reduce total calories , join gym , go for regular work out , 3500 cal is one pound of fat , if you walk a mile you spend 100 cal only , now you got the point , work hard loose weight.
Answered 9/11/2013
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