See your doc: Check with your family doctor so he or she can check your peripheral circulation , if necessary check dopper examination and pin point the cause vascular vs neurologic then treat you.
Answered 4/17/2015
Need podietrist: Bring in these pairs of shoes to the foot doctor and recreate the sensation.Need to assess if you have a nerve entrapment. Check labs r/o diabetes and other conditions.
Answered 4/17/2015
Squeezing Sneakers: When the entire foot falls asleep this typically is a result of lack of blood flow which in turn starves the nerves and tissues of much needed nutrients and oxygen. When blood flow returns, the nerves awake in a flurry of activity and send mixed messages, hence the tingling. Direct nerve compression gives a local numbness to a specific area. Check for vascular or nerve compression at the ankle.
Answered 8/12/2015
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