A member asked:

My heart feels like it is beating harder. couldnt go back to sleep cause i was very aware of my heart beat.my pulse is 54bpm. is this normal? anxiety?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Pulse: 54bpm is fine, anxiety possible.

Answered 10/4/2016



Depends on your BP: Increased cardiac awareness can often be an accompanying factor in several different types of anxiety. The most common would be generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder. It can also happen in social anxiety disorder. Although your pulse was nice and low, it would've been important to know your blood pressure at the time to definitively state whether it was due to anxiety. Most people in a high anxiety state have a higher pulse than yours was. However, that is not always the case. Your inhaler can also cause you to have increased cardiac awareness. However, had you used it slightly before going to bed your pulse likewise should've been higher. If it persists, please see your doctor and have your blood pressure and perhaps thyroid levels as well checked.

Answered 10/10/2016



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