A member asked:

I feel heart palpitations at night, when i check my heart it's 82bpm, but it's like beating harder, i feel anxiety and difficulty sleeping. i went to the cardiologist, normal ecg and blood tests as normal too.

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. answered

Palpation: Palpation's have multiple causes and depending on the clinical scenario. The majority are not serious but if you are having symptoms you should see your doctor to get a complete check up. Are you anxious? after looking at medical causes consider discussing this with your doctor.

Answered 8/18/2017


Dr. Robert Wilson answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

Anxiety: You said you are anxious. Anxiety can cause all these symptoms. It's good you already were checked out by a cardiologist. A good CBT (cognitivr behavioral therapy) therapist canbe very helpful. If necessary there are medications your FP or a psychiatrist can prescribe.

Answered 2/28/2020



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