A member asked:

I have chronic ptt pain after an ankle sprain. i also get recurrent lower back pain (lbp) caused by a ligament strain and muscle imbalance. can a chiropractor treat the lbp?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Consult: It would be best to consult an orthopedic surgeon.

Answered 4/27/2015


Dr. Kiley Reynolds answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Chiropractic Therapy: Yes, the lbp can be helped by chiropractic care. Conservative therapy is always best, but with your cervical disc pathology, i would assume that you have lumbar disc pathology as well. It would be good to have an initial evaluation by a physician and if appropriate, then a referral to a chiropractor would be in order. Good luck.

Answered 12/10/2015



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