A member asked:

Doc had me on citalopram for anxiety i've only been on for 2 days and get sick he gave me .25 mg of xanax, (alprazolam) i only take 1 in morning. can i drink 2nite?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Better NOTto drink: Anxiety of any kind can worsen with alcohol -- so can depression. This may not be immediate, but certainly with a hangover. Also in combination with zoloft and xanax, (alprazolam) it's not advisable to drink alcohol at all.

Answered 7/19/2013



It's best to discuss all your meds and supplements, and especially alcohol with your Psychiatrist who is prescribing your drugs. If you are not confident in your Doctor please see another for a second opinion.

Answered 10/30/2022



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