A member asked:

Doctor recommended and most effective weight loss program that really work?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Weight loss: All the diet plans work for a short term. The key to long term effectiveness is if the plan teaches you how to eat. Any diet that prohibits you from eating certain foods (like carbs) will not allow you to be compliant long term. The best one consistently rated the best by doctors is weight watchers.

Answered 6/21/2015


Dr. Natalie Hodge answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Go Mobile!: You must aggressively change your lifestyle. Mobile Health games can help. Physicians recommend water, increased veggie intake and walking 10k steps a day. Changing your behavior is HARD! Here is a health game that will help! Commit to tracking your nutrition and weighing in weekly. Losing just 10 pounds can reverse diabetic state. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/personal-medicine+/id846379884?m

Answered 5/23/2014



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