A member asked:

What would be a good way to take care of a migraine while at work?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Act fast: The cornerstone of migraine abortion is the use of triptans within the first 45-60 minutes, and many choices available. Ergotamines can be taken at virtually any point, but might have nasty adverse effects. Cambia powder works on occasion. Would avoid narcotics due to rebound and worsening headache patterns. A local neurologist can help profoundly.

Answered 6/24/2014


Dr. Georgia Latham answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Hard to do: This may be very difficult. If the migraine can be caught early in development and you respond to triptans, taking a triptan may take care of it. It is best to try to lay down or sit leaning back with eyes closed in a quiet, dark place for 20-30 minutes while the medication works. Most migraines result in an inability to work. For more info see: http://understandingmigraine.blogspot.com/

Answered 4/6/2015



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