A member asked:

My 18 yo son has am arachnoid cyst in posterior fossa. he has a low heart rate and low blood pressure. what treatment is available?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Kerrie Pinkney answered

Specializes in Palliative Care

Depends: You should have him seen by a neurosurgeon. He may need a surgical procedure. There are a few surgeries possible. It depends on the size and exact location of the cyst in the posterior fossa and what it is pushing against (most likely the brain stem ) . The neurosurgeon can best advise you as to whether or not surgery is necessary. Difficult to answer without seeing scans.

Answered 7/28/2013


Dr. Richard Pollard answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

See below: Talk to a neurosurgeon. If the arachnoid cyst is interfering with the flow of CSF then it can be surgically treated. The low blood pressure and heart rate is not too concerning at this point.

Answered 4/24/2015



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