A member asked:

Blood pressure 102/65, 54 bpm heart rate. i don't exercise and have a bad diet. is this low of a heart rate/bp normal? can lack of sleep cause it?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Mohammed Parvez answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Take it easy: Your blood pressure and heart rate are within normal range. Unless you have any symptoms suggestive of heart disease, i would request you to just relax.

Answered 11/17/2015


Dr. John Thaler answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Depends: You might just be genetically blessed. See your family doctor to assess this and monitor over time. Important to establish a baseline for future reference. Good luck. Good idea to exercise and improve your diet -- might not change the numbers much, but you will feel better and live longer !

Answered 10/27/2015



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