A member asked:

Do chiari malformation type 1 with dizziness tinitus and nausea require sugery?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Workup: Chiari can cause all these symptoms but it is best to see the ENT and have hearing test to exclude vertigo/hearing loss. The chiari usually causes some headache also.

Answered 6/10/2014



Possibly but unlikly: Very nonspecific symptoms, meaning they may or may not be related to Chiari. Depends on what the MRI actually looks like (how significant in terms of crowding and descent of the tonsils) & presence of other conditions or symptoms. Borderline Chiari is unlikely to cause these symptoms—they may be related to something else. For more, read this free monograph: http://surgeonwriter.com/hydrolog/

Answered 6/4/2014



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