A member asked:

How do doctors determine if it's eczema or basal cell skin cancer?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Vicki Levine answered

Specializes in Dermatology

Ezcema and BCC: Eczema usually involves several parts of the body and is itchy. A basal cell skin cancer is usually one spot. To be sure, see your dermatologist.

Answered 6/2/2017



Eczema and BCC: Eczema is an itchy scaling rash that goes together with dry skin. May be all over or in certain areas, but is usually symmetrical, i.e. Involves both sides of the body. Basal cell carcinoma (bcc) is usually a pearly translucent pink papule or plaque with raised borders, however superficial bcc can be a flat scaly-looking patch sometimes not easy to differentiate from a patch of eczema.

Answered 11/28/2017



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