A member asked:

My xray shows minimal fibronodular opacities are seen in the right upper lungs with no strong suspicions of active tb but they recommended sputum test. my xrays before, 4 years ago is still the same. what does it mean in a point of view of a doctor?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Minimal changes that are stable are most likely benign. Avoid smoke and smoking, reduce TB risk factors such as travel to an endemic area. Do you have any symptoms? Watch for signs of shortness of breath and cough.

Answered 6/12/2023


Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

If it was the same 4 years ago and it has not changed, it is likely a scar from some infection that you had. Have you ever been exposed to tuberculous before? Did you have a TB skin test done? You should probably see a lung doctor to look at your x-rays and determine the likely explanation. A CT scan may also be helpful to better define the abnormalities. So, see a lung doctor.

Answered 6/12/2023



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