A member asked:

My almost 2 year old daughter has been getting these small raised water-filled bumps on her legs & fingers & now theres a blood-filled one on her leg. what are these & what causes/prevents them? also she scratched one before that turned into a scar?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

This could be one of many things and can not be diagnosed without an exam. Pl see her ped or a dermatologist. In the meantime keep the areas clean and apply cortisone cream. Hope she does well

Answered 11/9/2022


Dr. Jay Park answered

Blistery skin bumps described are not specific enough to make a diagnosis. I wonder she has blistery sores inside mouth and over her feet as well. Have her examined by her PCP.

Answered 11/11/2022


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

An infection is possible. Please see your Pediatrician or urgent care. Discuss whether an antibiotic is recommended. Keep the area clean and dry. Keep her nails trimmed. Watch for signs of pus, swelling and pain.

Answered 11/20/2022



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